A quick note - rode from Vienna, VA to Secaucus, NJ on the 9th.
With the able leadership of Michael (NM) we toured DC - only stopped at the Air Force Memorial because everything else was blocked off due to the rally that day.
LONG HOT DAY to NJ - got stuck in construction traffic on the I-95 outside of Pittsburgh - 6 of us cheated and rode up the shoulder to an exit to cool off ourselves and the motorcycles.
On arriving in NJ we went to the Hoboken MC clubhouse - they hosted a pizza party and carted our butts to the PATH station. We took PATH into Manhattan. Walked down to Battery Park - back up to PATH and the train to NJ.
On the 10th we rode NON-turnpike roads (led by Frank & Lil) to Somerset, PA - with a stop in Hershey, PA. We arrived just in time to attend a dinner at the American Legion.
This a.m. we are off to the Flight 93 chapel and memorial.
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